Registration for the CMB Summer Enrichment Program is now OPEN. Register before March 31st for Early-Bird Discount! Check out our website for details.

Amruta Vihar

Amruta Vihar

A Chinmaya Mission program for children with disabilities to come together for social interaction, spiritual growth and learning!

This program caters to the needs of children with a wide range of developmental disabilities, including learning, cognitive, behavioral, etc., that prevents them from being included in regular classroom settings in their schools as well as in our Bala Vihar program.

Amruta Vihar

Activities Include
  • Introduction to various forms of God
  • Listening to stories from our scriptures
  • Learning to chant shlokas
  • Learning to sing Bhajans
  • Participating in traditional indian festival activities
  • Simple yoga postures, breathing, meditation
  • Arts & Crafts
Classes will be held ONLINE via Zoom!

For more information please contact us